
Flask-Misaka provides a pleasant interface between the Flask web framework and the Misaka Markdown parser. [1]


Install the extension with:

$ pip install Flask-Misaka


Just import the markdown() function and use it!

>>> from flask_misaka import markdown
>>> markdown("A *simple* example.")
Markup(u'<p>A <em>simple</em> example.</p>\n')

To use Markdown in your templates, you just need to import the Misaka class and wrap your Flask instance with it:

from flask import Flask
from flask_misaka import Misaka

app = Flask(__name__)

or use the application factory pattern:

md = Misaka()
app = Flask(__name__)

And then the markdown filter will be available in your Jinja2 templates. You can pass variables in your template through it:

{{ text|markdown }}

Or, you can use the filter tag to write your template directly in Markdown and have Jinja dynamically interpret it for you!

{% filter markdown %}
I'm writing my templates in *Markdown!*
{% endfilter %}


flask_misaka.markdown(text, renderer=None, **options)

Parses the provided Markdown-formatted text into valid HTML, and returns it as a flask.Markup instance.

  • text – Markdown-formatted text to be rendered into HTML
  • renderer – A custom misaka renderer to be used instead of the default one
  • options – Additional options for customizing the default renderer

A flask.Markup instance representing the rendered text

class flask_misaka.Misaka(app=None, renderer=None, **defaults)
__init__(app=None, renderer=None, **defaults)

Set the default options for the render() method. If you want the markdown template filter to use options, set them here.

A custom misaka renderer can be specified to be used instead of the default one.


Registers the rendering method as template filter.

Parameters:app – a flask.Flask instance.
render(text, **overrides)

It delegates to the markdown() function, passing any default options or renderer set in the __init__() method.

The markdown template filter calls this method.

  • text – Markdown-formatted text to be rendered to HTML
  • overrides – Additional options which may override the defaults

A flask.Markup instance representing the rendered text


Misaka is very customizable, and supports many Markdown extensions. Flask-Misaka provides a nicer API for these extensions. All functions in the public API (except Misaka.init_app()) accept the following boolean arguments, all of which default to False:

Flask-Misaka options
Option Name Description
autolink Parse links even when they are not enclosed in <> characters. Autolinks for the http, https and ftp protocols will be automatically detected. Email addresses are also handled, and http links without protocol, but starting with www.
fenced_code Blocks delimited with 3 or more ~ or backticks will be considered as code, without the need to be indented. An optional language name may be added at the end of the opening fence for the code block.
underline Treat text surrounded by underscores (like _this_) as underlined, rather than emphasized.
highlight Treat text surrounded by double equal signs (like ==this==) as highlighted.
quote Parse inline quotes (like "this"). This allows the renderer to control how they are rendered.
math Parse inline LaTeX-style math blocks (like $$this$$).
math_explicit Parse inline LaTeX-style math blocks with a single dollar, e.g. $x + y = 3$
disable_indented_code or no_indented_code Ignore indented code blocks
no_intra_emphasis Do not parse emphasis inside of words. Strings such as foo_bar_baz will not generate <em> tags.
space_headers A space is always required between the hash at the beginning of a header and its name, e.g. #this is my header would not be a valid header.
strikethrough Two ~ characters mark the start of a strikethrough, e.g. this is ~~good~~ bad.
superscript Parse superscripts after the ^ character; contiguous superscripts are nested together, and complex values can be enclosed in parenthesis, e.g. this is the 2^(nd) time.
tables Parse PHP-Markdown tables.
hard_wrap or wrap Insert HTML <br> tags inside on paragraphs where the origin Markdown document had newlines (by default, Markdown ignores these newlines).
footnotes Parse Markdown footnotes.
escape Escape all HTML tags, regardless of what they are.
skip_html or no_html Do not allow any user-inputted HTML in the output.
use_xhtml or xhtml Output XHTML-conformant tags.
smartypants Post-process rendered markdown text with SmartyPants.

Any option that starts with no_ can also be passed as its inverse set to False. For example, no_html=True and html=False have exactly the same effect, just as no_intra_emphasis=True and intra_emphasis=False have exactly the same effect.


To override an option, you must use exactly the same option name as you used to originally set the option. If you set html=False as a default, you must override it with html=True: using no_html=False or skip_html=False will not work, even though they all refer to the same thing.


[1](Technically, Misaka is just a Python binding to the Hoedown library, which is written in C.)